Reduce, Reuse, Recycle with 321 Water

In the realm of living an ethical and sustainable lifestyle, we commonly refer to the three R's that can assist our daily decision making.

Each of the R's covers a simple message that ultimately can culminate to a significant difference in societies waste impact.

reduce reuse recycle

The three R's we are referring to are:

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle


By making an overall effort to reduce your waste impact, and reduce the amount of 'things' in general that you use, is an import step towards sustainability. One way to track your weekly waste is to simply note how full your landfill rubbish bins are each week and try to take steps to see what things we consistently put in the landfill bins that we probably don't really need at all.


Reusable products are becoming more and more accessible to the regular consumer as government policy and society alike are shifting towards this ideal. The most simple product that we can all reuse with great benefit is by simply carrying with you a reusable water bottle at all times. With disposable water bottles accounting for an immense percentage of our globes unnecessary waste, 321 Water has developed a stylish on-the-go filter water bottle and smoothie bottle that can be a new addition to your daily necessities and help alleviate any need to buy a disposable version. 

Check out our blog about the benefits of using a reusable water bottle design.


Whilst reusable products such as the 321 Water range have a long lifetime - even with the daily impact and use of a dynamic lifestyle - it is important that your product has the ability to be recycled at the end of its life. By recycling and correct disposal, your products can be put back into the manufacturing stream and be utilised towards producing a range of things, but also not ending up in landfill. 

Read more about how easy it is to recycle your 321 Water bottle here.

Explore Reusable Products here

Read about how a Eco Water bottle can help you keep hydrated.

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